What Happens To Your Body When You Drink Black Tea Everyday?

Drinking black tea without added sweeteners can decrease blood glucose and improve your body's ability to manage sugar.

Do you know that what we now refer to as the black tea was initially called “red tea” by the Chinese? And that the term “black tea” was coined by the Dutch and the British traders?

A Lucky Discovery

A fortuitous gift by the Chinese, black tea, was discovered accidentally almost four centuries ago. It has uncountable health benefits and consuming black tea everyday can do wonders for your body.

A Regal Beverage

Initially deemed as an aristocratic luxury and used as a marker of wealth, black tea was enjoyed only by the royalty and the aristocracy. Eventually, it became affordable, percolated down the social ladder and became available to the masses. Which is how it has become one of the most consumed beverages in the world!

Have you ever thought of what consuming black tea every day might do to your body? 

If you just brewed a cuppa and are now watching the video while sipping on it, then congratulations to you as you have successfully boosted the functioning of each and every single organ of your body.

Fight the free radicals! According to an article by Adam Feldman in the Medical News Today, black tea is especially effective in fighting the free radicals. Free radicals are formed during normal and natural metabolic processes. Java Burn Weight Loss Coffee They are, however, an extremely potent cause of cancer. Black tea contains antioxidants in the form of flavonols, thearubigins and theaflavins. 

Black Tea Vs Green Tea

Ever wondered what makes black tea different from green tea? 

In case of black tea, the tea leaves are oxidised to create the brown-black leaf colour and the distinct smell. The oxidisation process is absent in case of green tea. As a result the only antioxidants present in green tea are catechins.

Black Tea for Skin

The connection between healthy and glowing skin and a cup of black tea is hardly ever pondered upon by people. Black tea has antioxidant properties which slows down the aging process by fighting all the free radicals. It also reduces the risk of cancer in general and especially skin cancer. Other organs include lung, breast and prostate. Who would have thought cancer could be fought with a simple cup of the humble tea!

Three Cups of Black Tea For a Healthy Heart

Yep! You heard that right! Consuming 3-4 cups of black tea can help you fight different heart diseases according to Joe A. Vinson, Karolyn Teufel and Nancy Wu, in a hamster study of 2004.

The study further shows that regular consumption of black tea might reduce the growth of plaque inside the walls of the arteries which is medically referred to as atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis weakens the heart as well as the kidney which can be easily prevented considerably with the help of…yep you guessed it right! Black tea!


Alkylamine antigens are the compounds in black tea which strengthen our immune system, that coupled with the tannins makes it the perfect antidote to certain viruses. It also strengthens the gut and is just the beverage to soothe the aching belly.

Tea For Teeth

Black tea for oral health. You might be questioning its veracity, considering black tea is notorious for the stains it leaves behind on the teeth. However, the good old polyphenols and tannins are actually functional in cleansing the mouth off the bacteria which cause tooth decay or bad breath.

Fight Diabetes With Black Tea

Black tea, when consumed unsweetened can even help with diabetes. Certain studies have shown that black tea enhances the secretion of insulin. According to a study by Wenping Tang and Chi-Tang Ho published in the Journal of Functional Foods, Black tea not only increases the body metabolism, it also lowers the amount of blood sugar, both of which are extremely useful for diabetes patients.

Bones and Black Tea

Bone health is something which is often ignored by us. Our body often fails to process the calcium and absorb it completely, and this is particularly problematic for lactose intolerant people. Black tea works wonders as a substitute for calcium. Chenshu Huang and Rongrui Tang, in a study published in Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences, explore how black tea can restore bone density and strengthen our bones. You can now calmly bid adieu to osteoporosis and other bone related problems as you sip your black tea.

Black Tea–A Miracle Beverage

If you are looking for maintaining your gut health, the glow in your skin, the shine in your hair, or fighting the risk of cholesterol, cancer, heart diseases, stroke, kidney diseases, or if you are looking forward to simply lose weight black tea is your saviour!

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Peter K. Attia

Passionate about empowering individuals through dietary supplements, I specialize in researching and recommending the best products for optimal health. With a focus on health supplements, my mission is to provide insightful, scientifically backed advice to help individuals achieve their wellness goals.

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